

October 19, 1909

Increase of 125 In University Enrollment

The total enrollment in all departments of the university is 3994, the Summer School and Radcliffe not being counted. This figure shows a gain of 125 over the registration at the corresponding time last year and of 76 over the Catalogue registration of last year. Harvard College shows a gain of 19. The Freshman class of this year is 662 as against 600 last year, a gain of 62.


Contract pressing ruins clothes. Every time your suit is pressed, it soaks in the dirt, shrinks the cloth, and rubs off the nap. G. M. Brown, Boylston Street, opposite the P. O. Building, has a ticket arrangement, six pieces pressed for $1.00--whenever they need it.

Boxing lessons--and also swimming taught by Prof. Foley. Call or write Gymnasium.
