

Reported recommendations of a committee of House chairmen and head tutors to be presented to the University have undertaken the solution of a problem which has vexed students since the beginning of the squash season. The discontinuance of these courts by House officials has met with sharp disapproval by men interested in using these facilities.

Many students have bought squash cards from the H.A.A. only to find that they could be used exclusively at the Linden Street courts. Since the demand for these courts far exceeds their capacity students desiring a half-hour of exercise are forced to use the House courts and pay for each game. The House courts, being in closer proximity to the Houses and having a definite number of courts set aside for members of each House, are preferred by most students to those on Linden Street. For those who play daily the charge for each game is irksome and many desire that some season card be sold as was the case last year. The announcement of the re-opening of Hemenway Gymnasium offers another solution to the over-crowded condition existing at Linden Street. By providing a sufficient number of squash courts there for the exclusive use of graduate students, who would find them more accessible than those now available, the Linden Street courts could provide playing space more readily for those undergraduates who find it impossible to secure House courts in the late afternoon.

Since squash is one of the most popular winter sports of students in the Houses and because most of them play daily it is evident that the season card system is vastly more economical and satisfactory than the plan now in effect. That some such plan together with the addition of courts at Hemenway will be adopted as a result of the recommendations of the committee is highly desirable and imperative.
