
Beard Fears That German Propagandists Seek Support of Harvard And Other Universities

Quotes Dean Pound On Nazism In Article In Current Issue Of New Republic

Intimating that the German government is attempting to swing Harvard around behind Hitler, Charles A. Beard, noted American historian, quotes, in the current issue of the New Republic, extracts from newspaper accounts of the visit to Germany of Dean Roscoe Pound of the Harvard Law School. The article contains statements by Dean Pound to the press about conditions of "domestic peace" in the Reich, and mentions the honorary degree which the University of Berlin awarded him soon afterward.

Tried to Capture Harvard

"It is known to the few American students who had access to German Foreign Office archives after they were torn open by revolution in 1918 that the imperial German government deliberately operated in American universities with propaganda purposes in view and that it laid special emphasis on capturing Harvard University on account of its distinction and leadership in American intellectual life," reads the article.

In Germany Dean Pound discussed the current situation as well as the new movement in German law with German teachers of the University of Munich. In France he told the Paris Herald that "all those countries--Austria, Germany, Hungary, Italy and the rest--are tired of internal bickering and will back up a man who can bring them freedom from agitating 'movements.'

"I see strong evidence of the same distaste for political things in France, and I would not be surprised to see the French unite in supporting a man who could spare them the turbulence of politics," said Mr. Pound. "I doubt if this could occur in America or England, because these two countries do not take their politics as seriously as the others.


". . . In Bavaria I never saw any indication of tension or fear of the future. People discussed Hitler and everything else openly. . .Once in a while you ran across a swastika painted on a barn."
