
Motherless Babe Planted in Court of Dunster House

Previous History of Baby Austin Remains Mystery

All alone, and very dejected looking, a baby Austin with a bad case of flat feet was found at a late hour last night plumped in the middle of the Dunster House court. Investigation failed to reveal how it could have made entrance, as the Stillman gate was closed. It was suggested by some amateur Dick Tracy that it must have been born on the premises, perhaps the illegitimate offspring of some dissipated Rolls-Royce. But the birth certificate, taken out in Pennsylvania and identifying the wee one as No. UV-134, seems to indicate that the baby must have been smuggled in through some subterfuge.

Whatever its origin, the problem child was finally discovered by the night watchmen and, amid the mingled cheers and boos of Dunster-men was unceremoniously wheeled out through the gate, specially opened for the occasion. Its ears ringing with the echoing boom of a regular cheer for the Austin, the infant was trundled off to points unknown.
