Winners of this year's Sears Prizes at the Harvard University Law School, given to the four men who did the most brilliant work in their classes last year, are;
William G. Claytor, Jr., 2L, of Roanoke, Va., A.B. Univ. of Va. 1933.
Arnold Levy, 3L, of New York, N. Y., A.B. Coll. of the City of N. Y. '32.
Walker W. Lowry, 3L, of Cambridge, A.B. Univ. of Utah 1932.
Erskine B. Wood, 2L, of Portland, Ore., A.B. Harvard 1933.
The award of the following fellowships and prizes was also announced:
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
University Fellowship: Edwin C. Rae, 2G, of New Canaan, Conn.
Storrow Scholarship: Harald A. R. Romanus, 1G, of Stockholm, Sweden.
Joseph Hodges Choate Memorial Fellowship: Geoffrey I. Stagg, 1G, of Birmingham, England.
Thaw Fellowship: Sidney J. Thomas, 2G, of Austin, Texas.
Harvard Yenching Scholarship: Francis W. Cleaves, 2G, of Needham Heights.
Buckley Scholarship: Roy Lamson, 6G, of Cambridge.
Lewis and Harriet Hayden Scholarship: William E. Harrison, 2G, of Boston.
Engineering School
Storrow Scholarship: Robert F. Chamberlain, Gr.E.S., of Boston.
Gordon McKay Scholarships: Reuben Reiter, Gr.E.S., of Boston, Hans W. Kohler, Gr.E.S., of Thun, Switzerland.
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