
Brown Football Uniforms Hunted by Dedham Police

Cambridge Police Tell Dedham To "Watch For Green Truck"

Eddie Casey's eleven gave the boys from Providence their troubles on the field Saturday, but it was all an anti-climax after the troubles which had threatened to whiten Tuss McLaughry's hair that noon.

Tuss was so relieved at not having to send his team onto the field clad only in BVD's that he willingly admitted after the game that Harvard had played better football and had deserved to win.

Brown's brawny Bruins arrived as per schedule, but their equipment did not. At quarter of twelve, not even a stray sock had showed up. At quarter after twelve, Mr. McLaughry was perspiring freely.

At half past twelve, he got in touch with the minions of the law, and Cambridge relayed to Dedham the information that a large green truck, with three men aboard, had been mislayed somewhere between Providence and Cambridge.

A mobilization of police was well under way when the truck drove in under its own power.
