Sports Editor of the Brown Dally Herald
With its offensive weapons considerably sharpened since last Saturday's sluggish exhibition. Tuss McLaughry's big Brown bear journeys up to Cambridge today anxious to claw the Crimson outfit into submission.
Brown fans remember with a note of sadness last year's unexpected defeat, and nothing would suit the Bruin horde better than a chance to drink a Bruin victory Saturday night.
Confidence emanated from the Bruin camp as the club went through its tapering-off session. Although in their two first games, which they won handily, McLaughry's men failed to live up to pre-season hopes, they showed flashes of great power. The last week has been spent on concentrating on co-ordination, timing and clean ball-handling, together with drill on a new series of deceptive plays. The Bear outfit is about ready to find itself and should McLaughry's boys play the game of which they are capable. Harvard will be in for a difficult afternoon.
The line is completely veteran. Three of the men started the Stadium shindig last year, and the three men on the left side of the line started the game two years ago with the famous Brown team of 1932.
Mal Ball, who last year forsook Brunonia's halls to make his way in Hollywood, is back and is playing his end position as of old. Ball is the best pass-receiver on the squad and is poison down the field under punts. Babe Summerfield, lightweight veteran, or Ed Taft, the Georgia Peach, who has been making a sensational bid for starting honors since his conversion from the backfield, will hold down the other end.
Dan Fraad, who was a guard on the Bruin club of two years ago, will hold down one tackle berth and either Gus Olsen or Dick Batchelder will play the other tackle.
The two veterans, "Cap" Capasso of the dynamite charge, survivor of the Italian triumvirate, and "Dutch" Lear, who was Fraad's running mate two years ago, will hold down the guard posts ready to be relieved by Payne and Stanhope. Don Emery, who was forced into action last year at the Yale game as a third substitution and never relinquished his hold on the center position since then, will hold down the pivot post.
Dynamic little "Mickey" O'Reilly will call the plays to a backfield of Captain Bill Karaban, one of the best triple-threat backs in the East, Perry Elrod, and either Norm Appleyard, Lea Beatty, or Guy Burt in the blocking post. Harry Spinney, the fastest man in the squad, will be ready to step into the Bruin backfield at any time.
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