
Harvard In Plans For New England Soccer Association

Crimson Soccer Manager Offers Championship Cup

Seven New England colleges, including Harvard, made plans for a New England intercollegiate soccer league, at a meeting held at the Harvard Varsity Club Saturday afternoon. Five other colleges are considering membership.

James M. Sampson '35, manager of the Harvard soccer team has donated a cup to be given to the winner of the league championship. Sampson, John F. Carn, Jr. '28, Varsity soccer coach, Henry W. Clark '23 of the H.A.A., were the Crimson representatives at the meeting. Clark, who is graduate manager of athletics, was appointed temporary chairman of the new league.

The winner of the American intercollegiate soccer championship will be announced at a dinner at the Harvard Club of New York, Saturday, of the American Intercollegiate Soccer Football Association, at which an attempt to get more members for the proposed New England league will be made.
