

Junior Varsity Squad Meets Whitman Hockey Club After Only Two Day's Practice

With a game against the Whitman Hockey Club, the Junior Varsity ice-men will open their season today at 4 o'clock in the Boston Garden. There have been only two official practices this year, but the squad is a large one and contains much good material. There are several stars from last year's Freshman team and many of the players have been cut from the Varsity team.

On the whole it is thought that the squad is more experienced and a brighter prospect than usual. The schedule for the season is made up of ten games which are better spaced than in previous years. The Varsity is keeping only three full lines for the games but a fourth line practices with them and plays with the Jayvees. Two defense men are also classed in this half-way position.

The final cut has not yet been made and the 21 men who now make up the squad will be extensively shifted about.

The starting line-up is as follows: First team; Thornton Brown '36, r.w.; Richard M. Claflin '36, l.w.; William D. Beardman '36, c.; Edward Rawson '36, l.d.; John C. Cort '35, r.w.; Robert W. Waldinger '36, goal. Second team: James A. Robert '36, c.; William C. Quimby, Jr. '36, r.w.; Gardner Prouty, Jr. '36, l.w.; Perry '36, l.d.; Carr '36, r.d.
