
Cantril To Speak Tuesday For Second Radio Program

Other Professors Announced for Discussion Programs

"Judging Personality Through Voice" will be the topic of an informal discussion by Dr. Albert H. Cantril, Jr., instructor in Psychology in a radio program to be broadcast over the National Broadcasting System next Tuesday night at 8.45 o'clock. The discussion will be the second on the "Twentieth Century Ideas" series, featuring talks by prominent Harvard professors. The programs are under the direction of Dr. Kirtley F. Mather, professor of Geology.

Other Harvard faculty members to appear on the air in these weekly broadcasts include Dwight W. Chapman, instructor in Psychology, Loring B. Andrews, '25, instructor in Astronomy, David W. Prall, associate professor of Philosophy, Edward Ballantine, '07, associate professor of Music, Donald H. Davenport, associate professor of Business Statistics, Robert K. Lamb, instructor in Economics, J. Anton deHaas, William Ziegler professor of International Relationships, and Dr. Mather.
