

"DUCK SOUP" -- University

The Marx brothers' latest film is laid in Freedonia; the scene, of course, is unimportant; it seems to present the usual number of opportunities for the Marx brand of apoplectic humour, and not much more need be said of it. There may be a few who do not like Groucho and his cohorts; the large majority will proceed to the University sometime during the week, with their risibilities filed to a fine edge, and sit straining rib muscles for an hour or so; the only advice to be given is, to go early and avoid the rush.

"The Prizefighter and the Lady," the other picture, is also good; you will enjoy it the more if you are interested in the boxing racket, as the leading parts are taken by Max Baer and Primo Carnera on the male side, and Myrna Loy on the female--not that the last named has anything specific to do with boxing. It is in this film that Max becomes carneravorous and fights ten rounds with Primo; some of the critics have even intimated that Maxie's edge on the Italiano in this picture version of their battle has influenced the betting odds on the genuine encounter. Be that as it may, the fight remains a smashing one, a fine climax to the production. Myrna, of course, is much in evidence; Walter Huston, as Maxie's manager, does a solid bit of work, and Otto Kruger, as Myrna's one-time gangster lover, is much more convincing than any Hollywood gangster has a right to be. The surprise of the thing, however, comes with the realization that Max Baer is not totally devoid of acting ability; even though a Vanity Fair author once characterized him as "so many pounds of perfectly coordinated muscle, all ably animated by the brain of a ten-year old child," he has outdone himself here it give a performance which you will enjoy. The pictures this week, both of them, are worth seeing.
