Edward S. Harkness, donor of the House Plan, states that he is definitely against the suggestion that the tutorial system should be confined to honor students alone and feels that it is more necessary to the average man than to one on the top of the rank list.
"It has always seemed to me that the man of average intellect needs the tutorial system even more than does the brilliant student," says Mr. Harkness. "So far as my knowledge goes the tutorial system is working very well. I have no criticisms and nothing but praise for it. I believe it might well be adopted for all departments and classes of students in the University.
"From information that has come to me from time to time I am quite satisfied with the way in which the House Plan is being carried out at 'Harvard, and have no suggestions to offer as to the way in which it might be improved," said Mr. Harkness in answer to a question concerning his opinion of the Plan as it now exists. "The above information came to me both form the faculty and students and this I take to be a very fair picture of the way the Plan is working."
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