

Stickmen, Encouraged by Victory Over B.U., Will Oppose Veteran Team at Princeton Tomorrow

HARVARD  PRINCETON Hasler, l.w.  r.w., Lane Dewey, c.  c., Kammer Beale, r.w.  l.w., Poole Watts, l.d.  r.d., Gardner Gleason, r.d.  l.d., Holsapple deGive, g.  g., Thouron

Playing its first league game of the season, the Crimson ice forces will meet a veteran Princeton sextet at Princeton tomorrow night. Although to date the Tigers have displayed a brand of hockey superior to Harvard's, the great improvement of the team as a whole, evident in the contest with B.U. last Wednesday, would seem to indicate that tomorrow's encounter will find the Crimson stickmen more eager and ready to do business than it has been so far this season.

Lane Out With Injury

Ben Beale, high-scorer in the game with the Terriers, will start at right wing, with Windy Hasler and Al Dewey completing the forward wall. Fran Lane will not be able to make the trip, since his old football injury is acting up again. His place at the point position will be taken by Frank Gleason, who will pair up with Bill Watts, thus forming a combination which, although it has not been very effective to date, has nevertheless been steadily improving. Captain deGive will fill his usual place as guardian of the draperies.

The Tiger represents a team consisting with the exception of the defense man, of stickmen who are playing their third season of collegiate hockey together. Led by Captain Henry Thouron, who is ranked with Paul deGive as one of the best net-tenders in Eastern United States, they make up a formidable array of experienced skaters.


Resorting to fallible comparative scores, Nassau appears to have the edge. They swamped M.I.T. in an early season game by a score of 8-1, while Harvard managed to trounce the Engineers by only 4-1. Moreover, they were beaten 4-2, in two overtime periods by a Toronto University team which later defeated the Crimson, 4-1.
