

Visitors Bring Fast Men in Sprints, Breast, and Back Events--Scott Will Have Stiff Competition

Facing the strongest competition it has met this year, the Varsity swimming team will encounter the Boston Boys' Club natators this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Indoor Athletic Building Pool. Although the visitors will bring with them several fast men who have turned in impressive times thus far this season, the Crimson swimmers should have little difficulty in piling up a respectable margin in the final score.

Howard S. Bowen '35, will be on the bench this afternoon, watching his two proteges, Bernard F. Merriam, H. '36, and Henry K. Fitts, Jr. '36. Edward C. Devereux, Jr. '34 is listed as a possible entry in the 20-yard freestyle, but it is more likely that he will enter the quarter-mile where Ulen expects a hard race from Nolan, the visitors' distance man, who has done ten seconds faster than the lanky Harvard swimmer, over this distance.

Another visiting natator who will cause some trouble this afternoon is Charles Kyle, a backstroker, who, while he may not threaten Captain Edward E. Stowell '34, will pass Charles N. Breed, Jr. '36, or at least push the latter to the limit.

Over the furlong George C. Scott, Jr. '34 will be pushed hard by O'Brien, the Boys' Club entry, as will be the Crimson starters in the 100-yard freestyle. The visitors' time for the fifty is just one-fifth of a second slower than Scott's record time of 24 2-5 seconds.

With the possibility of losing ground in these events, Ulen is prepared to make it up in the century and relay. Edward P. Parker '34, and Herbert M. Howe '34 are the listed entries, but Stanley M. Wyman '35 may also be considered unless Ulen wants to use him in the relay. In this case Parker and Howe would team up with George Wightman '34 and Roy. S. Wallace '35, the latter taking Wyman's usual position as number three man
