Plans for the eighth annual meeting of the New England Model League of Nations were announced at a recent meeting of its Executive Council in New York.
Following the general pattern of the League of Nations at Geneva, five committees will be organized to discuss legal and constitutional questions, technical organizations, political subjects, general humanitarian questions, and the German refugee problem. Committee I has chosen for its topic "Reorganization of the League," while Committee II has split into two subcommittees, the first to discuss an economic question and the second to consider "Intellectual Cooperation." "Mandates" is the subject picked by the political Committee and Committee IV has undertaken the consideration of "The Opium Convention." The subject of "German Refugees" has been delegated to a special group.
The agenda for the March meeting is similar to that which has been carried out in past years. The program is as follows: Thursday evening, Assembly with necessary expert Committees; Friday morning, Committee meetings; Friday noon, Banquet; Friday afternoon, Committee meetings; Friday night, Dance; Saturday morning, Council and Assembly meetings; Saturday afternoon, final Assembly and Critique.
Harvard, as previously stated, will be the scene of the assembly, which will be held on March 8, 9, and 10.
Over 300 delegates from the various colleges attended the meeting of the League held last year at Smith College, and more are expected here in March. Two new members have recently been admitted to the organization. Both these colleges, Northeastern University and Bennington College, will send delegates to the meeting in March
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