

But Loss of Captain O'Connell Weakens Blue Hoopsters-- Boys, Center for Harvard Faces Giant Opponent

HARVARD  YALE Ernst, l.f.  Nikkel, l.f. Comfort, r.f,  DeAngelis, r.f. Boys, c.  Wilson, c. Ferriter, l.g.  Miles, l.g. Fletcher, r.g.  Reese, r.g.

An Eli basketball team containing four men who played on the outfit which won the Eastern Intercollegiate League title last year will face Wesley Fesler's much improved cagers this evening at 7.30 o'clock at the Indoor Athletic Building. Yale will be playing its initial league game tonight and will seek its seventh successive victory over Harvard in basketball.

The Bulldog has been but little successful in its games so far this season, falling before the hoopsters of Providence College by a narrow 35-32 margin, and losing to Fordham, 35-29. The Elis will miss the leadership of their captain, Bob O'Connell, who is the main cog in the Blue machine, but the remainder of the team is of sufficiently high calibre to be favored in tonight's contest.

Coach Fesler is satisfied enough with the starting lineup which took the floor Saturday against Penn to start it again tonight. For last Saturday's event, two shifts were made: diminutive Dick Ernst was sent to forward in place of Gene Merry, and Dick Fletcher filled Jim Grady's berth at guard. By virtue of the first change, Comfort and Ernst are again paired in the fore court where they played together on last year's Freshman team and previously on the Horace Mann five.

Dick Boys, the mainstay of the Harvard squad will be faced by a serious obstacle in opposing Ned Wilson, the Eli center, who stands six feet, seven inches, five inches taller than Boys. Wilson is the only newcomer on the Yale team. Captain Earl Nikkel is at left forward and will be paired with James deAngelis, who will probably get the call over Howard Kellogg at right forward. The guards will be Egbert Miles and Ben Reese. Captain Nikkel is one of the high point scorers in the Eastern league, making a high record in the last two years
