

Lowes Chosen To Aid Drafting Budget Of $13,000,000 -- Deputy Treasurer To Serve For One Year

President Conant will conduct a complete survey of the financial operations of the University, it was announced last night. Although the exact purpose of this survey may be better to acquaint himself with the expenditures of the various branches of the University, it is not definitely known whether or not the new president is contemplating a drastic shake-up in the new budget of over $13,000,000 for which he is now responsible. Throughout the depression there has been no cut in the salaries. With a total of 4200 employees and $8,000,000 paid out annually in combined wages, the task that confronts a man new to this position is not a negligible one. It is not improbable that this survey may mean a change in the financial policy of the University.

At the last meeting of the Corporation John W. Lowes '19, Deputy Treasurer of the College, was chosen to serve as Financial Assistant to the president for the period of one year, beginning September 1, 1933. Mr. Lowes will retain his title of Deputy Treasurer, but for the next year he will spend the majority of his time at the President's office in University Hall. His work will be to delve into the expense accounts of the various branches of the University in order to draw up a report of their expenditures and to arrive at a figure for expenditure in that department for the new budget that he will assist in writing. Mr. Lowes has served as assistant to Henry L. Shattuck '01, since Mr. Shattuck's appointment as Treasurer of the College in 1929.

Mr. Lowes, the son of John L. Lowes, Francis Lee Higginson Professor of Literature, served in the Ambulance Service and Royal Flying Corps during the war.
