

1936 To Compete For Photographic, News and Business Boards--1935 To Write Editorials

CRIMSON competitions for the four Boards will open tonight at a preliminary meeting in the President's Office of the Building at 7.15 o'clock. At this time the heads of the departments will outline the work, and answer questions. The competitions themselves will start the next morning, but men unable to attend today's meeting may sign up at any time on Thursday.

Competitions for the News, Business, and Photographic Boards are open to all Sophomores; only Juniors may compete for the Editorial Board. All competitions will last for eight weeks only, and special effort will be made to fit in the work with the candidate's academic obligations.

The News competition offers an exceptionally good field to those who wish to accomplish the threefold purpose of improving their writing, learning something of journalistic methods and the mechanics of the composition of a newspaper, and of widening their sphere of acquaintanceship among the faculty and student body: Candidates, however, will not be confined to the University in their work; frequent opportunity will arise for those so desiring to interview prominent figures in every walk of life from politics to the chorus. The alert man will receive credit for his scoops and special articles; he will penetrate the mystery hovering about twelve point Roman caps, and he will acquire the esoteric art of reading slugs, still red and glowing from the linotype. In fact, the more ambitious have been known to receive instruction in the linotype machine itself, by distributing appropriate libations among the printers.

The editorial competition offers even better training in writing and in developing the ability to think clearly and put the thoughts on paper concisely. Candidates will be under the constant supervision of members of the Board.
