

"I have never heard a person sing in the bathtub who was very musical, but I have heard many people who weren't. I don't want to discourage anyone, but while such singing may show good health, a warm heart, or a magnificent physique, it does not indicate a very subtle musical nature."--Edward Ballantine, professor of Music.

"Recognition of Soviet Russia by the United States would be a mistake of the first magnitude from the standpoint of the interests of the American nation, the welfare of the Russian people, and the very existence of Western civilization."--Pitirim A. Sorokin, professor of Sociology.

"Athletics should be conducted for the benefit of the students ... not to furnish entertainment to alumni and the public."--Ex-President Lowell.

"We are attempting to make the common rooms in Dunster and Lowell Houses a cross between those in Vanderbilt Hall in the Medical School and those in the Freshman Halls. That is, we anticipate occasional rough-houses.... There will probably be no ping-pong tables."--William G. Morse, University purchasing agent, 1930.

"Many difficulties arise in marking, but some sort of measurement of achievement is an absolute necessity, and the thing to do is not to throw out the baby with the water you wash him in," Henry W. Holmes '03, dean of the Graduate School of Education.


"The modern theatre seems to have become unusually arty, so that the least pretentious production offers a relief from the extremely serious plays. Both the producers and theatre-goers have for the last few years taken the stage too seriously and the choice of this light piece ("Of Thee I Sing") as the winner of the Pulitzer Prize may point to a reaction." Kenneth B. Murdock '16, dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sentences.
