

The extreme simplicity with which President Conant was inaugurated, to-length upon the aims and policies of his administration, has left many with the impression that in this morning's address to the freshmen the new president will unburden himself on such terms as "creative scholarship" and "requiring too much and expecting too little," and that he will outline the chief reforms which he hopes to accomplish.

But this must seem both improbable and undesirable. Perhaps the day for fulsome explanation before achievement has passed, perhaps no intelligent man today can bring himself to speak with gether with his reluctance to speak at the glib certitude which speeches of this kind imply. But certainly there can be little doubt that changes of any deep and far reaching kind, of college revolutions which eugaud the Sunday supplements of Mr. Hearst, are not imminent in an era of strict financial retrenchment.

That he has definite plans for an extension of student employment is already known, and that he will take the opportunity to make changes in the language requirements seems likely. Perhaps of greater importance will be the hoped-for improvements in the Tutorial System, and the following out to some extent the suggestions made in the Tutorial Report of 1931 drawn up by Vernon Munroe, Jr. and the Student Council. In fact, it is impossible to feel that he will fall in presenting a concrete and coordinate program, although the complexity of his task may make its unfolding a gradual thing, unheralded by premature flourishes of the trumpet, and without the unlovely embarrassment which they precede.


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