
On The Rack

The American Magazine

(This magazine-review column is a regular weekly feature of the Crimson.

"John Harvard's Biggest Boy," appearing in the American Magazine for October is a typical example of a "college circulation drive." The "big news" at Harvard now is its new president, James Bryant Conant; ergo an article on the same will make the far-flung readers notice the broad interests of the editors, and will also flatter the young Cantabrigians into a twelve-months subscription. Written by a noted sportswriter, a great pal of our prexy, to judge from the incessant "Jim" in the biography, the article also marks another tract of the serious prose which has been occupying our newspaper sports-columnists more than it should. Last year a fairly successful column on Byron was a surprise in John Kieran's "Down the Line," and no doubt some of Boston's own football scribes might turn out a nice piece on Moliere. But it so happens that John Tunis' effort to give a useful working picture of the man who will direct Harvard is really too native to deserve criticism. It is merely not recommended, as better ones will follow.

But this issue of the American is really unfortunate. It contains an article on the present state of College Football by Edwin Dooley. Mr. Dooley has done a fine job with "Where Does College Football Go From Here," but the obvious man to have tackled this horny problem is the much-preoccupied Mr. Tunis. Several years ago the latter published a scorching book on the interrelations of sports (all of them) to gate receipts, salaries years ago the latter published a scorching book on the interrelations of sports (all of them) to gate receipts salaries, and general morals. This book, entitled "$port$," has done more to bring about a reasonable attitude in the administration of college football than almost any other piece of writing or oratory. More along this line from the straight-thinking Mr. Tunis would be welcome.
