

Particularly in the Spring grumblings are heard in the Union and House Dining Halls about the constant reappearance of Steamed Indian Pudding, Foamy, and Sauce, Roast Prime Ribs of Beef aujus, on the menus. Lehman Hall has said "They always complain of the food in April," and it soons blows over.

This summer board has been reduced in the Union from $9 to $8 a week. Admittedly a central dining hall is a social asset and a convenience, vital to Summer School but it would serve its purpose better if there were fewer complaints about the food. One who has eaten in the Union or the House Dining Halls during the college year notices a distinct change for the worse. In the summer, it is a task to please the palate of everyone. The difficulty is not the food, or the quality, but the lack of variety and the tasteless way the dishes are prepared and served.

Operating on a smaller scale than during the regular year means less profit especially during the summer sine the rate is a dollar lower for the twenty-one meals a week. Certainly the University Dining Halls know enough economics to avoid a loss for one period in the hope that in the end the deflcit will be covered, and certainly the summer school is eager to stay out of the red this year. It is not unreasonable to suppose that somewhere there must be a sacrifice for economy.

It is clear that there is only one solution to the problem. Raising the rate two dollars a week would mean ony a slight expense for six weeks. This suggestion has often been made by students who feel that the improvement would be more than worth the extra charge, and should be entertained more seriously than hitherto. Instead of furnishing menus that are just sufficiently tempting to keep back a torrent of complaints, Lehman Hall would do well to avoid the appearance of making reductions for the students' benefit and provide more attractive meals, regardless of the inconsequential increase in price.
