
Boston Speakeasy Proprietor Denounces Return of Beer and Prophesies Saloons and Unemployment When Repeal Comes

"Beer cuts into our business? I'll say it does," the Boston speakeasy propre-to remarked. "We were running fine this winter and none of the clubs cutting in on our little trade; when they passed the beer bill we were afraid it was going to run in us, but the people who drink heavily never stop, and it'll take a generation to get them Oct of the habit.

"Never drink a drop myself; the stuff is no good, but the public is still paying $.50 and $.75 a drink so I should care. And why should I be ashamed of myself? My business is illegal, but you don't want to get the idea that it's unethical. I had a customer, he owes me $300 now, came around the other day, told me he was in a bad way, so I gave him a hundred to tide him over for a month.

"The speakeasy is an ideal institution, and as soon as you get prohibition repealed, you're going to have saloons again just as sure as even now with beer you're getting a lot of holes-in-the-wall where low-class loafers get together and scheme. The speakeasy is quiet and refined and the food is better than in a lot of restaurants. Why I know a place in New York in the 50's decorated by Joseph Urban that is nice enough to take your 12-year old kins to. It's a good idea because it keeps liquor away from the people who can't afford it.

"There are about 400 speakeasies in Boston now that are dong a paying business. When repeal come in, all it'll be here next year, about 350 of them will get wiped out, and the exclusive clubs will go on far a few months and then come out in the open. It's going to mean unemployment for over 100,000 people in this country."
