

Upstream Dashes from Weeks Bridge to Weld Boat House Scheduled--Same Events for Men and Women

Keen competition and a large field are expected to feature the third annual Summer School Rowing Regatta to be held on the Charles River on Thursday and Friday, August 10 and 11. The several solo heats will be run off on the 300-yard course between the Weeks Bridge and the Weld Boat House starting about 3.30 o'clock on the first day of the regatta, with the finals occupying most of the second afternoon.

The same events are scheduled for both the men and women rowing enthusiasts; including wherries, broad comps, narrow comps, and singles. Although any one contestant can race in only one class, a special feature in the men's single race will allow the winner of the novice race to enter the Senior Singles. Medals will be awarded to the first and second placers in every final heat, and the races will be so organized that adequate rest is provided between the preliminary heats and the finals, although the events will be run off every ten minutes.

The upstream-course will be carefully laid out beforehand, with the finish line on the level of the downstream float of the boat house. It has been traveled fastest by J. S. Frame '30, a student in the summer school, who in the last year's regatta put up a time of 58.8 seconds. The best women's time, and there were 45 women in last years total entry of 115, is some 15 seconds behind this record.

The regatta is being organized by Blake Dennison, the coach of Summer School rowing. He will be assisted in running of the events, by Pack Hartner as Clerk of the Course, who helped him originatae the races three years ago. N. Henry Black '96, Director of the Harvard Summer Session, officiated last year and may again be requested to judge the races.

Books will be posted shortly in which Summer School students, or University members who hold lockers in the boathouse may sign up for the various events. There will be no entry fee.
