

Six-piece Boston Orchestra, Roof Garden Decorations, Sample Paper, Debutantes, and Punch are Attractions

In order to provide social recreation for Students in the Summer School and their friends, the Crimson Summer Supplement will give a dance this Friday evening, July 28, in the Sanctum of their building, 14 Plympton Street. Music will be provided by a six-piece orchestra from Boston which will play from 9 until 1 o'clock.

Permission has been obtained from the Summer School Office so that girls who plan to attend can make special arrangement to get late privilege.

Several Attractions

For the occasion the roof garden of the Building will be decorated with lanterns and foliage, and tables will be set up for those who desire to play bridge. Punch and refreshment will be served out of doors. At midnight, a sample CRIMSON will be set up and printed in the basement, and any items by guests submitted will be used. Tickets may be purchased at $1 each at the building during the week, at the Crimson desk in Sever Hall or at the door.

Patronesses and Ushers


Patronesses for the dance are: Mrs. N. Henry Black, wife of the director of the Summer Session, Mrs. Henry Greenleaf Pearson, Mrs. W. I. Nichols, Mrs. S. E. Young, Mrs. A. N. Holcombe, and Mrs. J. J. Thorndike.

Ushers are: H. Lawrence Bogart, chairman, Frederick H. White, Phillip Cushing, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Dana, R. A. Benson Jr., Harry Kern, H. G. Pearson, Jr., R. W. Paul, J. J. Thorndike, and G. A. Emerson Jr.

Among those who plan to be present are: Countess Anastasia Seramovna, Margaret Wendell Thompson, Abigail Aldrich, Betty Stone, Henrietta Young, Barbara Eustis, and Laura Curran.
