
The Crimson Playgoer

Miss Gwendolyn Morton Will Assist in Second of Weekly Series

The second of a series of weekly organ recitals will be given in the Memorial Church by Arthur M. Phelps, organist of the Summer School, and choirmaster of the Cathedral of St. Paul in Boston, on Thursday evening, July 20 at 7.15 o'clock. Miss Gwenolyn Morton, soprano, will assist.

The program which will be played on the new $50,000 Isham organ follows: Prelude (Symphony 1)--Vierne (Mr. Phelps): On Mighty Pens (Creation)--Haydn (Miss Morton), Chorale in A "Minor--Franck (Mr. Phelps); Hear Ye Israel (Elijah)--Mendelssohn (Miss Morton) Choral Improvisation--Karg-Elect, and Sertie--Reports (Mr. Phelps).
