

Local Addresses of Both Commuters and Those Living in Cambridge Are Given in Catalogue

A complete list of the names and addresses of all students registered in the Summer School will appear tomorrow in a special four-page supplement of the CRIMSON. This directory, which has been compiled from the registration files through the courtesy of the Summer School office, will be the only official catalogue of its sort printed this season.

Besides listing the names alphabetically of all men and women enrolled, the full street address and city or town will be given as well. The addresses in all cases will be those filed as "local" in the card index. At least half the home addresses listed are from Massachusetts, and of these a great many are commuting every day from the environs of Boston to Cambridge. The only case of a commuting student who is living outside the state is residing at Four Corners, N. H.

Copies of the directory will be delivered to subscribers in the dormitories and neighboring lodging houses, and will be on sale in Sever, Harvard, and University Halls. The price for the supplement will be $.25, which will entitle the purchaser to one subscription to the regular Tuesday issue of the CRIMSON for the balance of the season.

Galley proofs of the directory will be posted in the CRIMSON Building, 14 Plympton Street, all day today, where names and addresses may be checked up on for mistakes by all students.
