

Instruction in Navigation To Take Place in Old Serving Room, Next to Main Hall

Utilization of the large room adjoining Memorial Hall as a class room for the introductory course in Naval Science was announced yesterday by Commander R.C. Williams.

The room which is approximately 100 by 30 feet, adjoins the main hall of Memorial Hall, and was formerly used as a serving room in the days when Memorial Hall was used as the College Commons. Alterations in the room will be made during the Summer so that it will be ready for use by students in Naval Science I next autumn. The room will be equipped with chart tables for use in instruction in Navigation.

The change to larger quarters will result in a great improvement in facilities for instruction. In the past, the classes have met in the Institute of Geographical Exploration, and at meetings where charts were employed, it has been necessary for each section to be scattered through three or four different rooms in order to obtain sufficient space. In the new quarters, it will be possible for an entire section to meet as a unit.

Entrance to the room is separate from Memorial Hall and is on the Kirkland Street side. The cost of the change is being met in part through the aid of the members of the Committee to Visit the Naval and Military Science Divisions.
