

Star Middle Distance Runner of Past Season Proved Himself Versatile and Valuable

John Moore Morse '34 of Brookline was elected captain of next year's University track team at a meeting of letter men yesterday afternoon, and Chester Harding King '34 of Cazenovia, New York was elected manager.

Morse prepared for Harvard at Milton Academy, received his numerals in his Freshman year, and won his first major H when he went to England in the summer of 1931 on the Harvard-Yale team as a broad jumper to compete against Oxford-Cambridge.

The following two seasons of 1932 and 1933 showed Morse to be one of Harvard's fastest and most versatile performers. Especially this last season has he been a mainstay of the squad, for he could outstrip his teammates on any assignment from the 440-yard dash to a two-mile jaunt, and was always available in case of emergency to fill a gap on any middle distance run and do such a good job that the loss of the scheduled man was felt to the minimum.

Through this past season Morse starred in the mile and half-mile substituting, however, for F.P. Locke '33 in the 400-meter event in the Yale meet, which he lost to Karl Warner, the Eli captain, by only 3-5 second.
