

Katharine Hepburn and Colin Clive In Fine Production at University Also "The Mind Reader"

Idly reading a few contemporary comments on "Christopher Strong," it appears that the stylish thing today among cities is criticizing Katharine Hepburn, a sharp contrast from the wild panegyrics that greeted her in "Bill of Divorcement." Not having hailed her as a "greater than Garbo" in the first place, however, I feel free to repeat my first impression that she is a refreshing and unusual type, entertaining to see and vigorous in her style. This is not to say that she is a great actress. It seems quite possible that she may reach greater success as a featured player taking character roles than as a star.

"Christopher Strong," at the University, is interesting as a chance for Miss Hepburn to develop her talents. The story is elemental but-highly realistic. An ingenious promoter of the current society game "treasure hunt," stipulates that the prize shall be given the person first producing a young woman who has never had an affair an a married man who has never been unfaithful to his wife and never wanted to be. Colin Clive is the faithful husband and Miss Hepburn is the woman. It is not surprising that they should be attracted to one another and develop an acquaintance. When this acquaintance begins an irresistible progress toward a more vital relationship it sets the scene for a struggle between will and emotion. The striking feature of this struggle in "Christopher Strong," is that it occurs in the minds of two individuals of high intellectual and moral calibre. Temptation, in the motion pictures, is usually depicted as assailing victims whose week resistance is foreordained.

Both the performance of Colin Clive and Miss Hepburn are tremendously sincere. Each maintains the high standard of emotional continuity demanded by the plot to a finish which though unfortunately crude in form in none the less powerful. Because it deals with a type of character usually avoided by the movies and because the author has attempted realism instead of melodramas, "Christopher Strong" may not provoke the popularity of a more blatant production. Katharine Hepburn, nevertheless, remains a starting and brilliant figure. With the aid of Colin Clive she succeeds in making "Christopher Strong" a fine piece of work.

Warren William also appears in "The Mind Reader" and Freshmen may recognized Johnny Green, who took part in the Jubilee festivities in "Song Shopping," a musical cartoon.
