

Two Select Lowell, While Others Take Eliot, Leverett, and Winthrop--All Appointed For Three Year Terms

Thomas Seal Chambers 2G, of Reading, Pennsylvania, has been appointed sixth Junior Fellow in the new Harvard Society of Fellows, it was announced yesterday, following approval by the Harvard Corporation. He will join the group of five men whose appointment was announced in April. At the beginning of the academic year 1933-34, this group will inaugurate the new plan of the society of Fellows.

Chambers graduated from Swarthmore College in 1931. During the last two years in the Graduate School at Harvard, he has done research work in organic chemistry under the direction of J. B. Connant '14, Sheldon Emory Professor of Organic Chemistry, and L. J. Henderson '98, Professor of Biological Chemistry.

The selection of House by the new Junior Fellows was also revealed yesterday. Garrett Birkhoff '32, of Cambridge, and F. M. Watkins, of Providence, Rhode Island, will live in Lowell House; Chambers will live in Eliot House; J. C. Miller, of Tacoma, Washington, will live in Leverett House; and B. F. Skinner, of Scranton, Pennsylvania, will live in John Winthrop House. The sixth Junior Fellow, Van O. Quine, of Akron, Ohio, is now abroad and has not yet selected his House.

Under the plan for a Society of Fellows, a group not exceeding 24 young men will be selected "for their promise of notable contribution to knowledge and thought" in various fields of scholarship. Each man will be appointed for a three-years term, and will receive in addition to free board and room in the various Houses, a yearly stipend of $1250, as well as free use of all the facilities of the University.

If still of highest promise, Junior Fellows may be reappointed for a second term of three years, with a yearly stipend of $1500. If an appointee is married, an allowance is made for subsistence in place of residence in the Houses.


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