

Blanked Until Final Inning, Crimson Unable To Catch Up With Opponents After Nevin Starts Scoring

Blanked for eight innings and held to two hits by the sterling pitching of Rogers, the Varsity nine rallied ineffectually in the ninth inning of the contest yesterday with Yale, only to go down to defeat for the second successive day at the hands of the Blue, by the score of 4-2. Displaying weaknesses in every department of the game, the Crimson aggregation was outclassed from the opening frame, as it had been last Tuesday, in the opening game of the Yale series, when the Eli players defeated their opponents, 5-3, and clinched second place in the Eastern Intercollegiate League standings. Yesterday's reverse terminated a fairly unsuccessful season for the Crimson.

Nevin Stars

Nevin again starred for the losers, driving in Thacher, who had reached first on a walk, with a three bagger in the second half of the ninth. Held scoreless up to this point, the Harvard players with a fighting spirit that had characterized the team earlier in the season, furnished for a large crowd of spectators the only thrills of the encounter. Gleason, the next man up, scored Nevin with a weak hit to the pitcher, whose fumble enabled the batter to reach first. The next man, Kiernan, advanced Gleason with a single to place runners on first and second bases, with no outs. Loughlin sacrificed, advancing the men on bases, but the game ended when Woodruff fanned, and Murmes, who was pinch hitting for McJennett, flyed out to the third baseman.

Taylor, who started for the losers on the mound, was replaced by McJennett in the sixth, and Rogers, the opposing pitcher, by Parker in the final frame.

The summary: HARVARD   ab  r  h  po  a  e McCaffrey, l.f.  4  0  0  1  0  0 Ware, c.f.  4  0  0  2  0  0 Thacher, r.f.  4  1  0  2  0  0 Nevin, c.  4  1  1  11  2  0 Gleason, 1b.  4  0  2  4  1  0 Kiernan, 2b.  4  0  1  2  1  0 Loughlin, 3b.  4  0  1  3  1  0 Woodruff, s.s.  4  0  0  1  2  0 Taylor, p.  1  0  0  1  0  0 McJennett, p.  0  0  0  0  0  0 *Tobe  1  0  0  0  0  0 *Murmes  2  0  0  0  0  0 Totals  36  2  5  27  7  0 *Bated for Taylor in fifth. **Batted for McJonnett in eight and ninth. YALE   ab  r  h  po  a  e Williamson, r.f.  5  1  1  1  0  0 Woodlock, s.s.  5  1  1  2  3  0 Gengarelly, 3b.  5  0  2  1  3  0 Parker. R., c.f.  5  0  2  1  0  0 McKenzie, l.f.  4  1  0  2  0  0 Fletcher, 2b.  4  1  0  4  4  0 Kimball, 1b.  4  0  1  11  0  0 Browne, c.  4  0  0  4  2  0 Rogers, p.  4  0  1  1  2  0 Parker, G., p.  0  0  0  0  0  1 Totals  40  4  8  27  14  1 Score by Innings:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 Harvard  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  2--2 Yale  0  1  0  3  0  0  0  0  0--4


Home run--Williamson. There base hit--Nevin. Hits--off Taylor, 6 in 5 innings; off Rogets, 3 in 8 innings; off McJennet, 2 in 4 innings; off Parker, 2 in 1 inning. Wild pitch--by Taylor 1. Base on balls--off Taylor 6; off Rogers 6; off McJennett 2; off Parker 1. Struck out--by Taylor 4; by Rogers 3; by McJennett 2; by Parker 1.
