

Under an arrangement inaugurated a year ago and continued this summer, undergraduates attending the summer school have been allowed to live in their own rooms in the Houses during the six weeks session of the school. Since this plan has proved satisfactory to all concerned, it might well be extended this year to include students who are in Cambridge, although not attending summer school and who wish to occupy their rooms throughout the vacation. If this proposal which has already been tried out at the Business School, were adopted for the Houses it would be welcomed by a considerable number of men who have obtained summer work in Boston or Cambridge or who wish to study independently during the vacation.

For the benefit of students who wish to pass the summer as economically as possible in Cambridge, it should also be possible to reduce the present charge of five dollars a week for care of the rooms. It has been demonstrated at the Business School that service identical with that in the Houses during the summer can be rendered for three dollars.

Although rather tardy, these proposals could still be put into effect this year and would in all probability meet with a response sufficient to justify the added expense to the University.
