
Final Exams Today and Tomorrow

The schedule printed below is not official. Students will be held responsible for meeting examination appointments in accordance with the official schedule posted on bulletin boards of College buildings. Failure to meet examination appointments will not be excused on the basis of deviation between official and unofficial printed schedules. All students are advised to examine official schedules before taking any examinations. A. C. Hanford, Dean.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14 (VIII) Celtic 2  Emerson 211 Chemistry 9  Emerson 211 Economics 39  Sever 1 English 4  Emerson 211 French 17  Emerson 211 German A Mr. Barnason, Sec. 15, 18  New Lect. Hall Mr. Bennett, Sec. 19, 21  New Lect. Hall Mr. Buffington, Sec. 6, 17  New Lect. Hall Mr. Hawkes, Sec. 4  New Lect. Hall Mr. Henry, Sec. 7  New Lect. Hall Dr. Herrick, Sec. 1, 14  Sever 36 Mr. Holske, Sec. 9  Memorial Hall Dr. Howe, Sec. 5  Memorial Hall Mr. Metcalf, Sec. 8  Memorial Hall Mr. Phelps, Sec. 3, 12  Memorial Hall Mr. Shelley, Sec. 13, 16  Memorial Hall Mr. Stamm, Sec. 10, 11  Memorial Hall Government 24  Emerson 211 History 53a  Sever 2 Indic Philology 3  Emerson 211 Sociology 6  Emerson 211 2 P. M. (XVIII) Engin. Sciences 1b  Pierce 302 Engin. Sciences 3b  Robinson Annex THURSDAY, JUNE 15 (XVI) Economics 7b  Harvard 5 Economics 32  Harvard 2 Fine Arts 17a  Fogg Small Rm. French 11  Harvard 2 Government 15  Harvard 2 Mathematics 27  Harvard 2 Mineralogy 10  Geol. Mus. 12 2 P. M. (I) English 10a  Emerson F Spanish 1  Emerson D
