

New Entrance Will Be on Quincy Street Side of Union -- Alterations To Insure Protection For Football Money

Alterations designed to utilize more thoroughly the available space, and to provide protection for money taken in during the football season, are being made this week at the H. A. A. offices in the basement of the Union.

Hereafter the entrance to the ticket office will be on Quincy Street. By moving the ticket office into the northern part of the building and erecting cages for the receipt of ticket payments during the football season, greater protection will be offered on days when large amounts of money are taken in.

The old ticket office is being partitioned off into smaller offices for W. J. Bingham '16, director of Athletics, H. W. Clark '23, secretary of the H. A. A., and C. F. Getchell, general manager. This part of the building has heretofore been used only three months in the year, so that a considerable economy in space will be realized. There will also be a new coaches room. F. J. Ryan '24, director of publicity, will occupy the office vacated by Bingham.
