

Member of Brain Trust Says Roosevelt Took Office Just at Peak -- Private Industry Must Justify Existence

"The United States is just recovering its balance after a series a economic earthquakes", A. A. Berle, Jr. '12, a member of President Roosevelt's "brain trust", told an audience at the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Business School on Saturday. "It will be said in years to come that an administration came into office at the precise moment when a crisis almost unparalleled in modern history had reached its peak. It will be pointed out that whenever such a crisis has occurred elsewhere in the world, its swift sequel has been a revolution.

"You readily recognize what has happened in the last few years. The march of life has shifted what we used to call power from the political field to the economic. The real government of today is the great not of business influences which ultimately impact on the lives of all of us, determining what we do, how we live, and whether we can live at all. We have chosen in America to keep that not in private hands. It can remain there only if it frankly assumes and carefully fulfills the obligation which every government has assumed from time immemorial, the obligation to provide its citizens with the materials for happiness".
