Official foundation is entirely lacking, it was learned yesterday, for the crop of rumors about the next president of Harvard, which reached the front pages of last night's Boston papers and which may be relied on to continue until Monday. The stories appear to be based on rather shrewd guesses, coupled with rumors of several months' standing.
The Overseers will convene in Cambridge on Monday and Tuesday for a two-day meeting. The Monday meeting is a stated one, while that of the following day is a special extension. The fact of a special meeting lends strength to the growing belief that the Corporation is determined to pick President Lowell's successor before the end of the year, and that a name will be submitted to the Overseers on Monday.
In the event that the Corporation in-forms the Overseers of its choice on Monday or Tuesday, the regulations of the University call for a week's delay before the Overseers' approval. It is a moot point whether the president-elect will be announced immediately upon his choice by the Corporation or whether the announcement will be held up until after the approval.
Murdock's Name Prominent
The name of K. B. Murdock '16, dean of the Faculty, continues to be most prominently mentioned as President Lowell's successor. Of the score or more of other candidates, those most favored by the best information available, are J. B. Conant '14, professor of Chemistry; Grenville Clarke '03, Fellow of Harvard College and a well-known New York lawyer; and J. B. Munn '12, professor of English.
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