School athletes broke three records and equalled four others in the forty-eighth annual Interscholastic track meet in the Stadium on Saturday afternoon. Scoring in all but two of the 14 events, Andover retained its championship in the preparatory school competition, chalking up 52 1-5 points in all. Lynn English high school scored 19 1-2 points to win the class B championship, while Roxbury Memorial was the victor in the class C content with 14 points to its credit.
Donovan of Exeter topped the 120-yard high hurdles for a new record of 15 3-5 seconds, while Goniawicz of Clark put the shot 55 feet, 1 5-8 inches, almost four feet better than the old record. Ehrlichs of the Ridgewood, New Jersey, high school set up a new record of 6 feet, 1 1-2 inches in the high jump in class B. Kitchell of Andover equalled the record of 25 seconds in the 220-yard low hurdles made back in 1901.
Raymond of Beverly won the half-mile in class C in 2 minutes, 2 1-5 seconds, clipping two-fifths of a second off the old mark.
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