

Song Writer Will Entertain Class of 1936 With Own Compositions--First Year Men on Committee Announced

J. W. Green '28, a writer of popular songs, has consented to play some of his compositions at the Jubilee on Friday evening it was announced last night. Green's Broadway fame was made by writing such songs as "Body and Soul," "Hello, My Lover, Goodbye," "I'm Yours," "Living in Dreams," "Rain, Rain, Go Away," and the more recent "You're Mine You." During orchestral intermissions, Green will entertain by playing in the downstairs Common Room of the Union.

The annual dance will last from 9.30 until 3 o'clock, and supper will be served at midnight. The committee for the event is as follows: T. D. Boardman, W. S. Burton, A. C. Cushing, D. F. Cutler, Jr., J. F. Ducey, Jr., G. W. Harris, H. A. Hoffman, A. M. Josephy, Jr., Francis Keyes, W. D. Locke, Deric Nusbaum, C. E. Pierce, E. H. B. Pratt, G. E. Prouty, Jr., J. F. Robbins, G. T. Skinner, and R. S. Wolcott.

The ushers are as follows: C. N. Breed, Jr., N. L. Cahners, S. R. Calloway, G. V. Comfort, F. S. Deland, John Dorman, J. G. Duffey, W. S. Fitz, Jr., Braman Gibbs, W. D. Hardwick, F. J. Lane, N. P. Letarte, F. R. Moseley, Jr., R. S. Playfair, B. C. Riggs, and S. D. Warren.
