

Noses Out Princeton by Two Feet in Closest Race of Regatta--Crimson Not Represented

Despite a last-minute spurt of power and tightening up of form all around, the Harvard Varsity eight was unable to stave off a 2 3/4 length defeat at the hands of the Tiger, in its first intercollegiate contest of the season Saturday afternoon in the Basin. Princeton had gained a sizeable lead at the getaway, and held it easily almost until the end of the fast 1 3/4 mile course, finishing in 9 minutes, 18 seconds, as compared with the Crimson boat, which crossed the line in 9 minutes, 27 seconds. M.I.T. came in a poor third, about three lengths behind Harvard, in 9 minutes, 46 2-5 seconds.

All three Junior Varsity boats covered the course in better time than their respective Varsity outfits, and were distributed at the finish about as had been the first crews. Princeton gained a length at the start, and raised it to two lengths at the flag. M.I.T. was left seven lengths behind the Orange and Black. Princeton finished in 9 minutes, 15 3-5 seconds, Harvard in 9 minutes, 22 1-5 seconds, and M.I.T. in 9 minutes, 42 3-5 seconds.

After an initial spurt by Tech which gave them a temporary lead, the Tiger cubs were able to walk away with the Freshman event at a steady beat of 32 which kept widening the gap of open water behind them until they were victorious over Tech by four lengths, and over Harvard by five. The respective clocking for the race, which was over the 1 3-4 mile course, are as follows: Princeton, 9 minutes, 19 seconds; M.I.T., 9 minutes, 32 1-5 seconds; Harvard, 9 minutes, 35 seconds.

Harvard did not enter the 150-pound event, which was the closest race of the afternoon. M.I.T. won by two feet after fighting desperately for the lead throughout the entire Henley distance. Tech's time was 6 minutes, 53 4-5 sec., Princeton's, 6 minutes, 54 4-5 sec.
