

First Year Men Beaten by Fast Exeter Outfit--Junior Varsity Team Worsted By Tufts Seconds.

With two men on bases in the eighth inning, Hines, the regular second baseman, cracked out a single that brought home both McCaffrey and Nevin, giving the Varsity nine a one run lead over the Grads who had maintained their advantage since the third frame in the game played on Soldiers Field Saturday afternoon. Then when Lupien, last year's captain, let Hines' hit go through his outstretched hands, Hines romped home, putting the game on ice for the Crimson, 6-4.

It was in the third that the Alumni assumed the offensive bringing home three runs. Taylor, who had been well in control up to this time, allowed the bases to fill. Then a combination of errors on a grounder to short allowed Donaghy, Chauncey, and Nugent to cross the plate. Then Taylor settled down, Mays was out on a fly to infield, and McHale fanned. The Crimson came back with two runs in their half of the inning as Adams and Ware scored, and in the fourth made another tally.

Although Taylor was a bit erratic in the first and third, he settled down and pitched a better game than McHale, allowing six hits, and fanning eight men, while the Grad twirler was touched for eight hits, and retired four men.

The summary:   VARSITY   ab  bh  po  a Adams, c.f.  3  0  3  0 Ware, r.f.  3  1  1  0 Thatcher, 3b.  4  1  1  0 Nevin, c.  4  1  8  0 Gleason, 1b.  4  0  7  1 McCaffrey, l.f.  4  2  2  0 Hines, 2b.  4  1  3  3 Sargent, c.f.  3  0  1  2 Taylor, p.  3  2  1  4 Totals  32  8  27  10

  ALUMNI  ab  bh  po  aBurns, c.f.  2  0  0  0Gilligan, c.f.  2  0  2  0Chase, 2b.  3  1  1  0Delano, 2b.  1  0  2  0Hudley, 2b.  1  0  0  0Lord, 1b.  3  1  5  0McGrath, 1b.  2  0  4  0Conaghy, c.  4  2  2  3Chauncey, c.  3  2  4  0Nugent, r.f.  3  0  2  0Caplen, r.f.  1  0  1  0Huxtable, 3b.  1  0  0  4Holden, 3b.  1  0  0  2Mays, l.f.  2  0  1  0Whitney, l.f.  2  0  0  0McHale, p.  3  0  0  0Totals  34  6  24  
