Sailors are again to be seen strolling through the Common in the evenings, bevies of children are out getting the sun on the Esplanade afternoons, there are new roadsters in the streets of Cambridge, the grass in the Yard is greener, and "Blossom Time" is back in Boston once more.
Inevitable as spring and attractive as it will ever be for sixteen year olds, "Blossom Time" is no better this year than it was last. The voices are not the best, the acting is dated, the humor is not at all subtle, and yet audiences applaud and keep flocking to the Majestic every year. Along with a group of others that belong to a golden period in stage history, "The Student Prince," "The Prince of Pilsen," "The Red Mill," and "The Chocolate Soldier," the current attraction at the Majestic has captured a wisp of sentiment in the life of Franz Schubert, transplanted it into Vienna in April, woven around it Romberg's adaptations from the "Moonlight Sonata," "The Unfinished Symphony" and lighter tunes, and prettified the whole with gay beaus, 1820 hats, Mitzi, Fritzi, Kitzi, wine and outdoor cafes.
The suspicious father who supplies the comic relief contrives to make himself asinine to even the six year olds, and Schubert's molt-a-heart-of-stone sob which climaxes the second act, are the bright spots in a sopping sentimental story
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