

One of the finest organs in New England, the organ in Harvard's new Memorial Church, has been heard only once in recital, since its installation a few months ago. The authorities, by wasting such exceptional opportunities for musical culture, are denying many of a pleasure which is in great demand; for the attendance at this one recital showed its popularity. In addition the Fogg Museum of Fine Arts has very recenty sponsored several concerts of combined organ and vocal music which have been well attended. Both the noon hour of music every Sunday from the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, and the music from the residence of Mr. Schwab in New York present famous examples of the popularity of such concerts.

The cost of such informal concerts given in the New Chapel could easily be kept within the University's budget, since there are students in the graduate school who are fully competent to give such informal concerts and willing to donate their time in exchange for the opportunity of playing the instrument. Such concerts might best be given every day from ten minutes of one to ten minutes after.

Organ music, because of its sustained and smooth character is perhaps one of the most soothing forms of musical art. The authorities of Harvard have here equipment of unusual excellence whereby an institution of both cultural and recreative value should be created. It should not be allowed to lie thus in innocuous desuetude.
