

Electrification of Memorial Hall and Yard Timepieces Would Render Hour Uniform Near Classrooms

The six-foot clock on Memorial Hall and all clocks in the Yard may soon be electrified, it was learned yesterday from reliable sources. If the necessary money can be appropriated for this project, the controlling apparatus of the project, the controlling apparatus of the Appleton Chapel Clock will be used as a central plant to run all clocks in the Yard, including those in the offices in University Hall.

Such central control of time pieces would insure uniformity of hour as far as it extended.

Clocks have already been electrified in the Law School and the School of Engineering. The Biology Laboratory and the new buildings on Divinity Avenue were built with electric clocks already installed and operated from a central control in the Geography Building. It is estimated that the electrification of the Memorial Hall clock will cost over $3000; the electrification of the other clocks will be somewhat less.

The Memorial Hall clock is frequently put out of condition by severe storms but was stopped for the first time this year by yesterday's blizzard.
