Coincident with the announcement of the selection of 17 members of the Freshman Jubilee Committee, it was learned from P. S. Weld '36, the recently appointed chairman, that a 20 per cent reduction in tickets has been made for the affair, which will be held on Friday, May 26. The prices are now $4 a couple, and $2.50 stag.
As an economy measure, it is probable that the dancing will only last until 2 o'clock. Dancing will take place in the main dining room of the Union and in the rotunda.
The members of the Committee selected yesterday are: Thomas Dennie Boardman of Manchester, Wilton Snowden Burton of Bronxville, New York, Alexander Cochrane Cusing of New York City, Donald Frederick Cutler, Jr., of Dover, John Francis Ducey, Jr., of Boston, George Wilfred Harris of West Roxbury, Howard Allen Hoffman of Newark, New Jersey, Alvin Josephy, Jr., of New York City, Francis Keyes of North Haverhill, New Hampshire, William Davis Locke of Concord, Deric Nusbaum of Santa Fe, New Mexico, Charles Eliot Pierce of Milton, Edwin Howard Baker Pratt of Glen Cove, New York, Gardner Edward Prouty, Jr., of Littleton, Joseph Foster Robbins of Weston, George Thorn Skinner of North Wales, Pennsylvania, and Robert Stevenson Wolcott of Milton.
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