

Casey Defeats Hinckley, and Ketchum Wins From Davis in 18 Preliminary Fights at Gymnasium

W. A. Smith '36 starred last night in the 18 preliminary bouts of the intramural boxing tournament, when he scored technical knockouts over his two opponents in the 175-pound class. C. F. Robinson '36, half way through the second round, and F. M. Foley '36, in the beginning of the first round. W. A. Casey '34 won a decisive decision from G. W. Hickley '36 in the other 175-pound bout D. P. Kotcham 1L, last year's captain won a decision from W. G. Davis '36. The bouts will be continued Thursday evening in the Indoor Athletic Building.

The summary:

115-pound class-- W. V. Gill '36 defeated David Miller '34 by a decision. J. Madden 1L, defeated Stuart Finey '36 by a decision.

125-pound class J. L. Kunon '36 defeated Mario Umana '36 by a decision L. O. Wanrien '36 defeated R. J. Moran '36 by a decision.

135-pound class--E. C. Ihrig II, defeated Mansfeild Branigan '36 by a decision, Antelo Devereux, Jr. defeated Irving Levy '35 by a technical knockout in the second round. R. C. McDonald '36 defeated A. V. Stone '34 by a technical knockout in the first round. F. W. Vincent '36 defeated E. R. Fay '36 by a decision.


145-pound class--D. P. Ketchum '11 defeated W. G. Davis '36 by a decision S. S. Russelt '35 defeated F. B. Lawson '37 by a decision.

155-pound class--J. F. Donovan '36, defeated Charles Wiggins '36 by a decision J. G. Tishe '36 defeated T. T. McCurve '36 by a decision.

165-pound class--T. J. Shea '36 defeated Ashton Emerson '36 by a decision.

165--pound class--W. A. Smith '36 defeated C. F. Robinson '36 by a technical knock out in the second round. W. F. Casey '34 defeated G. W. Hinckley '36 by a decision W. A. Smith '36 defeated F. M. Foley '36 by a technical knockout in the first round.

Unlimited--W. G. King Sp. defeated S. D. Howe '36 by a decision.
