P. D. O'Brien '36, who took first places in the 50 and 100 yard free style swims, was the most prominent winner in the Freshman Swimming meet held yesterday afternoon in the Indoor Athletic Building. L. W. Beal '36 tied for second place with P. McC. Henry '36, Beal won first place in the 200 and third place in the 100 yard free style swims, while Henry got two seconds, one in the 100 yard back stroke and one in the 150 yard medley swims.
H. K. Fitts '36 showed fine form in winning the dive by a wide margin, amassing a total of 51 points.
The summary:
200-yard free style swim--Won by L. W. Beal; second, J. C. Beecher; third, C. R. O'Neil. Time--2 min., 33 sec.
50-yard free style swim--Won by P. D. O'Brien; second, F. R. Bicknell; third, R. C. Hunter. Time--26 4-6 sec.
Dive Won by H. K. Fitts, 51 points; second, A. K. Barcewicz, 40.4 points; third, C. M. Scott, 85.6 points.
100-yard back stroke swim--Won by R. T. Fisher, Jr.; second, P. McC. Henry; third, G. L. Nelson. Time--1 min., 18 2-5 sec.
100-yard breast stroke swim--Won by H. F. Jahn; second, A. A. Bliss; third, A. A. Kasper. Time 1 min., 16 2-5 sec.
150-yard medley swim--Won by S. M. Bessie; second, P. McC. Henry; third, Thomas Paull. Time--2 min., 8 1-5 sec.
100-yard free style swim--Won by P. D. O'Brien; second, R. R. Dort; third, L. W. Beal. Time 1 min., 1 sec.
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