

Discovery of Old Cup Prompts Crimson-Advocate Match Tomorrow--Lampoon At Yet Unable To Find Five Men

Discovery of a CRIMSON-Advocate-Lampoon silver trophy cup has resulted in the resurrection of the former triangular competition in a squash match to be held tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock. The first contest will be between the CRIMSON and the Advocate, since the Lampoon has as yet been unable to find five squash players on its board.

The number one Advocate player is expected to be R. L. Francis '33, who played number five on the Eliot House golf team last year and is rumored to have a fine swing. For the number two position the Advocate has been forced to get hold of a graduate, C. C. Abbot '30, while F. P. Whitbeck '35, better known for his badminton stroke, will play in the third position. G. C. Streeter '34, P.B.H. social service man, and C. L. Sulzberger '34, poet, will held down the last two positions.

The members of the CRIMSON team will be as follows: T. W. Thorndike '35, star player of the championship Leverett House A squash team, E. S. Underwood ocC and J. DeQ. Briggs ocC, on leaves of absence at Middlesex School, W. S. Sims '33, bespectacled philosopher of Dunster House, and W. H. Horwitz, '34, Dunster House squash and tennis star.

The Advocates' alternates are to be A. T. T. Schumacher '33 and Alexander Mclivaine '33, while those of the CRIMSON are David Weld '34, G. C. St. John '33, and R. F. Huey ocC.
