9 O'Clock
"The Political System of Japan," Professor Holcombe, New Lecture Hall.
"Huxley," Professor Rollins, Emerson F.
10 O'Clock
"Alfred de Vigny," Professor Morize, Emerson 11.
"Local Color: Bret Harte and Sarah Jewett," Professor Matthiessen, Harvard 6.
"Wordsworth," Professor Lowes, Sever 11.
11 O'Clock
"English Drama of the Twentieth Century," Professor Murray, Harvard 5.
"Henry Fielding," Dr. Noyes, Harvard 3.
12 O'Clock
"Heinrich von Kleist," Professor Burkhard, Germanic Lecture Room.
"Faerie Queene: Pictorial Quality," Assistant Professor Sprague, Sever 7.
9 O'Clock
"Primitive Music and The Dance," Professor Tozzer, Semitic Museum 1.
"The Essay," Mr. White, Emerson A.
10 O'Clock
"The German Social Democratic Party," Professor Fay, Harvard 1.
11 O'Clock
"Matthew Arnold," Professor Matthiessen, Emerson A.
"The Battle of The Standards," Professor Schlesinger, New Lecture Hall.
"Roosevelt and The Balance of Power," Professor Baxter, Harvard 1.
"Several Law and The Family," Professor Zimmerman, Emerson 309.
"George Moore," Professor Maynadier, Sever 11.
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