To an institution so spiritual as the Harvard Advocate, mere physical appearance should be a negligible concern. Yet it is certain that the slightly dowdy front which it used to present to the public turned away many a possible supporter, and obscured whatever merits there were on the inside. With its April issue, the Intellectual Mother has said goodbye to all that and put on a most professional and appealing fancy dress. From having that vaguely apologetic look on the living-room table, it has progressed to actual self-assertion; and instead of being springy and recalcitrant in the hand, it is entirely pleasant and manageable. Moreover, it has come down to sordid matters of economics and succeeds in giving the buyer what appears to be his money's worth, for the first time in a lean and sheaf-like decade.
This new brightness is important in that it will attract the Laodiceans, in the college and go some way towards convincing them of the real value and place which the Advocate has in undergraduate life. It will be easier now to broaden the circle of contributors and subscribers both. Whether Pegasus is to undergo a qualitative as well as a physical metamorphosis, cannot yet be told, but the first stage of the change is an undoubted and encouraging success.
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